I had a great time meeting with missionaries from Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras... together, we prayerfully assessed our short-term mission program (at CAM International) and rejoiced in how God has been working in these various countries! Part of my role this past weekend was to encourage unity, brainstorm ideas for ministry, and begin implementing 'Standards of Excellence' for the mission...
"As short-term mission practitioners we strive to appropriately express God’s redemptive mission throughout his world (missio Dei), and to glorify him — the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — in everything we do. We acknowledge that many people are affected by our involvement in short-term mission — some positively, some negatively, some whom we may never meet. We further acknowledge that short-term mission participants include not merely those who go, but those who send (3 John 5-8) and those who receive (Matt. 10:40-42). We also acknowledge that short-term mission is not an isolated event — but rather an integrated process over time affecting all participants. This process consists of pre-field, on-field, and post-field stages. We desire to pursue excellence and to strengthen our overall effectiveness worldwide. We do so not in a legalistic or rigid manner, but in a redemptive manner by voluntarily adopting and committing ourselves to the Standards of Excellence in our short-term mission efforts."
But, in the midst of it all, I was continually thankful that God is the one who truly shows us the way...
"The mind of man plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps." - Proverbs 16:9
Intesity 10 in Seismic activity.
Brainstorm or Brainstrong?
Can there be excellence without love? 1 Corinthians 13.
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